I realized that our original
'Meet the Peas' post from April, really didn't tell much about us... So, I figured I'd give a better introduction of ourselves now that all of us have at least posted once... This post might be a little spaztic, well, because I'm writing it, but please bear with me :)
So let's start with the basic questions...
-Who are we and how did we form?
The Green Peas consists of 3 members: Chloe (that's me), Tursh, & Sora. All of us are currently 4th year students at the University of California, Irvine. I'm a Business Economics major (possibly Management minor), Tursh is a Theater major and Management minor, and Sora is a Studio Art and Sociology double major and Education minor. Basically, Tursh & I knew eachother since junior high school but didn't become close friends until our first year in college, where we met Sora, who lived next door to Tursh's dorm room. For our 3rd year in college, we became roommates and soon became best friends :D We often joked about how one day we should open up a shop where we'll sell all the stuff that we make. Which is when I figured that we should start a blog together!
- What's with the name?
We were having a bit of trouble thinking of a name for our blog... then one day we were in the food court at the Ontario Mills Mall where I was drinking my iced lemonade drink when I yelled, "Ahh BRAIN FREEZE" ... the other 2 had NO IDEA what I had said... I think I repeated myself a couple times, then Sora asked, "Green Peas?!!?!" and Tursh was like, "Frozen Peas?" It has hilarious.... trust me it was... doesn't sound so funny or interesting written out like this, but you just had to be there. Eventually, once we got back to the apartment, we decided on the Green Peas. Sora drew our first 'logo' (the one in our banner) and I made the first blog post with the Meet the Peas post :)
- What's with the peas in the logo?
Well Sora drew them, each to resemble one of us. The one that is winking in Tursh, the one with the pink cheeks in Sora, and the one in the middle is me :)
- What's with OUR names?
Those of you who know us in person know that Chloe, Tursh, and Sora aren't really our names... They are more like nicknames or usernames. If you ever meet us in person, you can find out our real names... but for now, we'll stick to our nicknames. Anyways, I chose Chloe for my name because I wanted to pick a name that had a good meaning and wasn't so common. I looked up girl names and I ran across Chloe and I really liked it. (for those of you who know me... no, I didn't name myself after Baby Chloe... she was born after I had started using the name)... Tursh is like her nickname-ish thing :) so it just worked out... and Sora is Sora's Korean name ...
If you know us well enough, you'll be able to match us up simply by seeing what stuff we've made...
I hope that was a satisfying little info session... I'm uber sleepy right now so I'm just going to bounce for now :)