Thursday, August 20, 2009

Prep For My First 'Sale'

Rings, Pouches, & Hair Clips... By Chloe

About 2 weeks ago I got a message from my friend Sarah, asking me if I wanted to share a table with her for a Floorsale that's going on at the Koreatown Galleria on August 29th... and I accepted. I've never made anything to be sold to the general public before so I really had no idea where to begin. My friend Sarah, on the other hand, has already started up her company, Little Seed, which makes REALLY cute handmade goods... so she's got some experience...

Anyways, the day after I got the message, I went out to buy materials to make stuff with... Eventually, I decided to make paperclip rings, fabric pouches and hair clips. Here's all the different styles that I have made so far...

I'm just having a bit of trouble sizing the rings... Next time I'll make sure to get a ring sizer so that I could actually know what size the rings are cause at this point they are being measured as... my ring finger, index finger, thumb, and loose-on-thumb lol...

ALSO, Sora is going to be selling some of her ceramics with us too :) although she hasn't started making any yet... *cough cough*

I'm definitely excited for this!

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